I AM REVEALED: Behind the Ashram Door

 This story is a candid, riveting psychological journey
deep into a mind controlled by a cult. 
Moments before my world got turned upside down and inside out, I was sitting in the back seat of my parents’ car thinking I was going shopping, just to make a quick stop for my father to conduct a small business matter. What I did not know, was that I was my father’s business, and it was no small matter, for my father or me. Instead of going shopping, I was led into a motel room thinking somehow I would have to escape or go along with strangers, who I considered the enemy remaining up to now, nameless and faceless. My strategy was to follow an instruction I frequently heard at the Center, whenever the subject of deprogramming was brought up. I planned to cooperate with the deprogrammers, then I would “COME BACK TO THE CENTER.”
 Available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble

Who should read this book….

This book is for anyone ever involved in a high demand group, thinking of getting involved, knows anyone involved, or thinking of getting involved.  Also, for anyone coming out of a high demand group, or thinking of leaving, even if they do not realize it is a cult they are involved in.

This book is also for family members dealing with a loved one involved in a high demand group that strips the individual of their autonomy and ability to process information outside of the context of the group’s totalitarian influence and hold on an individual.

It is a must read for anyone involved in the mental health profession, such as, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and counselors involved in the understanding more of the reality of cult influence.  This book will make you more aware of the internal mechanism the cult or ex-cult or potential cult member experiences on a very deep and personal level.

Let us know what you think after reading.  All reviews are welcomed.